2-D/3-D hybrid DGTD method with adaptive criterion controlling 2-D simplification error

The 2-D/3-D hybrid discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) method is efficient to deal with power-ground structures that contain elements capable of 2-D simplification. To generalize the capability of the 2-D/3-D DGTD method to deal with various complex structures in engineering design, a criterion is proposed to differentiate 2-D and 3-D elements adaptively. For domain decomposition criterion at time steptn, the electromagnetic field distribution at the previous time steptn-1is analyzed to identify the zeroth-order parallel-plates mode domain. Compared with the classical static distance criterion, this new adaptive criterion makes the approximation error under control, thus enhancing the stability. The 2-D simplification error and its controlling algorithm is studied to better explain why and how the approximation error controlled by adaptive updating criterion.

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Wending Mai, Wenqu Hao, Chenguan Li, Ping Li, and Jun Hu